Environmental Product Declaration

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Communicative value created by EPD

An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) according to ISO 14020 and ISO 14025 is a powerful, condensed document that enables a company to showcase and prove its products´ environmental impact.

It is a standardized document following a PCR (Product Category Rules) and consisting of an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. After the creation of the EPD report, it is third-party reviewed and published by an approved EPD-system.

Thanks to the fact that an EPD is regulated, different products’ environmental impacts can be compared, allowing customers to base decisions on them.

Creating an EPD is an investment and like all investments you should be able to capture the value generated by it. EANDO has the capability to both create an EPD with you and secure that value.

Amy Stockwell


Trained chemist with extensive experience in LCA. Amy has a particularly deep knowledge of the food industry related to sustainability.. 


Process for producing EPDs

Our process, from signed quotation to published EPD, is time and cost efficient with the end result in mind. It consists of six simple steps that are customized by EANDO to ensure a seamless process with the customer in focus.

1. Signed quotation

2. Start-up meeting

3. Gathering of data

4. Conducting the EPD

5. Third party verification

6. Publication of EPD

Strategic management of your EPD portfolio

EANDO can help you navigate your product portfolio, creating EPDs which ensure high long-term efficiency and avoid unnecessary costs. Regardless of desired national, international or global coverage, we have the knowledge so that we can guarantee cross-border compatibility.

EPD figure
EPD figure

EPDs for construction products, indoor and outdoor environment

PRODIKT is a platform that enables active selection of building products and furniture, where suppliers can demonstrate both the technical performance and sustainability profile of their products. The requirement for publishing products on PRODIKT is an EPD according to ISO 14025.

It is a place where relevant stakeholders can easily select the products that meet their required sustainability profile, and then analyze the impact of the total project.

The platform takes sustainability from something diffuse and hard to measure, to being a clear and fully incorporated part of the decision-making and construction process.

When selecting EANDO to create your next EPD for construction products, indoor and outdoor environment, an automatic integration of your products in PRODIKT is included. 


Tåstrupsgatan 2,
262 32 Ängelholm

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