Sustainable Architecture: How To Achieve It In Modern Times?

By Mattias Jönsson

14 september, 2021

Sustainable architecture

We all are well aware of the fact that the modernization and technology enhancement is the reason behind the birth of several types of pollution. Therefore, many scientists are working on environmental control. In 1987, scientists came up with the idea of sustainable development. In today’s article, we will cover the basics of sustainable architecture. If you’re wondering what is sustainable architecture and why it is so critical, read the below-given article to absorb the knowledge about it.

What Is Sustainable Architecture?

The architecture helps to minimize the baneful environmental effect of buildings by adopting efficient methods of construction. The modernized use of material, energy, development of space, and the ecosystem help in the sole purpose of sustainable architecture. The idea of sustainability ensures that the use of certain materials doesn’t end up having destructive effects on our society. It also ensures the availability of certain limited sources for future use. We can deduct from this statement that the construction of the building under sustainable architecture involves renewable resources.

Why Is Sustainable Architecture Important?

There are numerous reasons why going green and adopting sustainable architecture is significant. We have characterized them under three categories; environmental, social, and economic benefits. 

Four Environmental Benefits:

  1. Conversation of non-renewable resources.
  2. To reduce the average rate of energy composition. 
  3. Preservation of ecosystem. 
  4. Minimize water and air pollution.

Four Economic Benefits:

  1. It helps to reduce the long-term costs for the construction of buildings
  2. It also minimizes the dependence on non-renewable energy resources. 
  3. It increases the value of your properties.
  4. Sustainable architecture also grants you a competitive advantage. 

Three Social Benefits:

  1. It improves the living condition and provides comfort to the inhabitant. 
  2. It also enhances the water and air quality of the surroundings.
  3. It can optimize the utilization of surfaces, which counteracts overcrowding.

Top Nine Strategies to Attain Sustainable Architecture

There are multiple strategies to achieve sustainable architecture, based on the fact that the whole cycle from construction to the deconstruction of buildings affects the environment. We have to implement sustainability in the whole life cycle of a building. By keeping this in your mind, there are certain factors and strategies to be kept in your mind before constructing a building based on a sustainable architect. We have stated the top nine strategies to be adopted before going to the green route. 

  1. You should undergo site analysis and planning before starting the construction. 
  2. You should choose the most recent and active sustainable design
  3. Your chosen design must consist of those materials that are eco-friendly throughtout its whole life cycle, high-quality building materials that can be reused/recycled later on. 
  4. The installed energy power plant should be energy-efficient and based on renewable energy systems.
  5. The indoor infrastructure should provide high indoor air quality.
  6. Energy-efficient lighting and daylighting.
  7. Water conservation methods should be introduced.
  8. Stormwater management should be installed.
  9. An efficient system of discharging wastewater in the sewers should be installed during the construction of the building. 

Final Thoughts

Sustainable architecture has gained an immense boost in recent years. It has several environmental and economic benefits. By introducing environmentally friendly factors in the construction of buildings, it seems to be our only hope to fight climate change. Therefore, one should consider construction based on sustainable architect before taking any further steps. 

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